Auto Accident Personal Injury Insurance Claim: How to Evaluate and Settle Your Loss

Auto Accident Personal Injury Insurance Claim: How to Evaluate and Settle Your Loss

Eight out of ten Americans will have an accident in the next seven years. Baldyga delivers over three decades of personal injury, insurance claim experience in this easy-to-read book. Learn how to settle your "pain and suffering" for top dollar.

From the Publisher
This book covers every strategy, from the initial telephone calls to the medical examination and then finally the actual settlement, one should employ to obtain the best possible settlement of their claim. But the most important part of this revolutionary book is the introduction of The BASE Formula, The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula. BASE is a never before known settlement tool that Baldyga has created. Experts are calling BASE "spectacular" and "amazing" because it explains, in simple, easy to understand language, exactly, right down to the last hundred dollar bill, how much ones "pain and suffering" is worth.

Review : By Russell Longcore "
Dan Baldyga has written a book that shines a bright light on the shadowy world of personal injury auto claims. The insurance companies are the ones that keep policyholders and claimants in the dark. They try their best to control the claims process. For the most part, they succeed...UNLESS a person buys books like this one. This book is somewhat wordy, but thorough, and that thoroughness is what you need. Great job, Dan!