Auto Insurance

Do you need information about auto insurance? the following is all you neend to know about auto insurance:

Shopping for an Auto Insurance Policy?

It's quick and easy to get a free car insurance quote online. The online policy application is available 24/7, which allows you to get an automobile insurance rate quote when it's convenient for you. Our auto insurance quotes take about 15 minutes and could save you 15% or more on a car insurance policy!

Our online application can provide car insurance quotes for households with up to 3 cars and 5 drivers. This form is not intended for commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles, motorcycles or trailers. Please call 1-800-861-8380 if our online system cannot handle your individual situation.
Excellent Customer Service and Claims Handling

Once you've finished your car insurance quote and purchased your GEICO policy, you can sign up for online access. In our Policyholder Service Center, you can make changes and view your policy documents. We also have internet and phone service departments to provide quick, effective and available assistance to you 24/7. We work on your schedule!

Along with great customer service, we work to provide unparalleled claims handling that is available anytime. As a GEICO auto policyholder, you can take advantage of our convenient Auto Repair Xpress (ARX) program. If you get your car repaired through our ARX program, GEICO and the repair facility will guarantee the repairs for as long as you own the vehicle. You can also obtain a rental car at the repair facility for the time your car is in the shop.
Auto Insurance Coverage Explained

We understand that automobile insurance coverage options can be confusing. There are many different coverages available to you as part of your car insurance quote. Some are optional, others are mandatory. Learn more about the different types of coverage available from GEICO and how each one protects you.
Discounts & Special Programs

You can save even more money on our low insurance rates if you qualify for GEICO's discounts and special programs. Our discounts reward good drivers, safe drivers, mature drivers, military, and multi-car families, among others. You may even qualify for a discount just by belonging to a business or professional organization that partners with GEICO.
Payment Options

When you have finished your free auto rate quote, GEICO provides a detailed listing of your coverage limits for each car you've entered. You will also see our flexible single pay and multiple installment payment options that are available. We offer you flexibility to suit your budget needs.